Hi my name is HUGO nolvadex in bodybuilding Boss! Everyone calls me Hugo. “Boss” is a shout-out to Bruce Springsteen…..I don’t know who that is, but my mom is kind of into his music and she sometimes makes me wear a “Born in the USA” leather jacket that my Nana gave me. 🙄
My favorite color is green. My best friend is William across the street – nice little dog, doesn’t get in my way too much 😂. But my favorite thing to do is going to work with my mom. I love comforting the people who come to see her and helping in any way I can around the office.
My hobbies are sitting on my mom’s lap, snuggling with my Nana (who feeds me very well), standing on the bed when someone is trying to make it, jogging with my mom, and snuggling (I’m really good at that last one 😉.)
I’m excited to meet you! I like everyone. I hope you will like me too ❤️.